Project title
Skull trait interactions in extinct rodents
Description of the project
To date, no comprehensive study has explored the potential synergistic interactions between the different components of the mammalian masticatory apparatus. This project aims to fill this gap by providing a range of crucial data on the morphological integration of teeth, bones (and muscles) in rodents. The first step will consist of creating the most complete set of morphological data in a wide range of extant and extinct species. We will analyse rodent cranial and dental diagnostic features using a combination of classic comparative anatomy with traditional and geometric morphometric methods, and characterize patterns of variation in the masticatory apparatus with regard to several factors such as phylogeny, ecology, and allometry. In complement to the basic analysis of shape, we propose to pinpoint the interdependence of the different skull parts in order to test whether those factors are correlated with similarities in morphological integration.

Works done by the platform AST-RX

Collection Inventory number Description Thumbnail Equipment
F AR2829 crane en entier (2 tours sur ID-FIX) EasyTom S 150
F AR2830 crane en entier (2 tours sur ID-FIX) EasyTom S 150
F MHR46 crane en entier (2 tours sur ID-FIX) EasyTom S 150
F SCZ242 crane en entier (2 tours sur ID-FIX). Les données sont un peu plus bruité ("baves" sur le bord externe) que ceux fait sur OB-LIX; mais toute à fait exploitables. EasyTom S 150
F SCZ242 crane en entier (2 tours sur OB-LIX). Les données sont un peu moins bruité que ceux fait sur ID-FIX. v|tome|x L 240-180
F SCZ243 crane en entier (2 tours sur ID-FIX) EasyTom S 150