- Project title
- Exceptional preservation of complete peristomes in heteromorphic Turrilitidae ammonites (Mariella bergeri, late Albian, southeastern France)
- Description of the project
- Peristomes of heteromorphic Turrilitidae ammonites are very poorly documented in the fossil record. Two specimens of the Turrilitidae species Mariella bergeri have been recently discovered in a late Albian locality from southeastern France. These two specimens are unique since for both the peristome is exceptionally well-preserved and complete. To better understand the shell morphogenesis mechanisms involved in the formation of the peristomes, CT-scans of the specimens would be very appropriate. Besides, one of the specimens seems to preserve part of the buccal mass (perhaps radula), which would be the first ever documented in Turrilitidae heteromorph ammonites. Here as well, a CT-scan would allow seeing what is preserved in the matrix without taking the risk of damaging the visible part that was mechanically prepared.
Works done by the platform AST-RX