Project title
Morphological diversity in endemic Malagasy carnivores: Only size matters?
Description of the project
Niche opportunities provided by islands after colonisation may promote the capacity of any given body plan to evolve in a short amount of time. Among endemic Malagasy mammals, the Eupleridae (order Carnivora) is probably one of the most fascinating. Indeed, Malagasy carnivorans present a wide range of ecological adaptations and a high morphological disparity. In this study, our aims were to explore the phenotypic diversity of Malagasy carnivorans and to assess the importance of allometry in the phenotypic and ecological diversity of this family. Using 3D geometric morphometrics analyses, we investigated shape differences of the cranium and mandible. In addition, we used dry skull method to assess bite force in order to investigate the effect of size in bite force performances. Our results quantified the specific morphological differences between species. Size increase and ecological specialisation have both contributed to phenotypic diversity in this family. Surprisingly, our results suggested that the morphological differences between cat-like Cryptoprocta and mongoose-like Galidictis are mainly due to size and not shape. In contrast, Eupleres and Fossa strongly differ morphologically from all the others probably in relation to their peculiar feeding ecology. The high bite force estimate for Cryptoprocta seems to be mainly a consequence of its larger size. Finally, our results reveal a strong diversity in the bite force estimation in relation to diet in this family.

Works done by the platform Surfaçus

Collection Inventory number Description Thumbnail Equipment
ZM 2014-571 Cryptoprocta ferox spelea, mandibule Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM AC-1974-148 Cryptoprocta ferox spelea, mandibule gauche Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1867-591 Mungotictis decemlineata, mandibule Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1880-1962 Galidictis fasciata, mandibule Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1880-2539 Eupleres goudotii, mandibule droite Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1880-2539 Eupleres goudotii, mandibule gauche Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1880-2540 Eupleres goudotii, mandibule gauche Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1880-2542 Eupleres goudotii, mandibule droite Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1880-2554 Salanoia concolor, mandibule, femelle Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1881-161 Galidictis fasciata, mandibule, m�le Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1881-288 Mungotictis decemlineata, mandibule Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1932-3529 Galidia elegans, cr�ne, m�le Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1932-3539 Galidictis fasciata, mandibule, m�le Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1932-3555 Fossa fossana, mandibule, m�le Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1961-1029 Eupleres goudotii, mandibule droite, m�le Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1962-1121 Eupleres goudotii, mandibule droite Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1962-2071 Galidia elegans, cr�ne, m�le Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1962-2071 Galidia elegans, mandibule, m�le Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1962-2073 Fossa fossana, mandibule Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1962-2091 Eupleres goudotii, mandibule droite Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1962-2109 Galidia elegans, cr�ne, m�le Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1962-2109 Galidia elegans, mandibule droite, m�le Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1974-148 Cryptoprocta ferox spelea, crâne Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1977-555 Cryptoprocta ferox, mandibule, m�le Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1977-556 Cryptoprocta ferox, mandibule Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1977-755 Cryptoprocta ferox spelea, mandibule Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1977-755 Cryptoprocta ferox spelea, cr�ne Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D
ZM MO-1977-756 Cryptoprocta ferox spelea, mandibule Breuckmann StereoSCAN3D