Project title
Neanderthal masticatory biomechanics
Description of the project
Investigate the ingestion and mastication of recent humans and fossil hominins such as Neanderthals in a biomechanical framework. Due to their good preservational status, La Ferrassie 1, La Quina H5 and H18 are important specimens to include. Micro-CT data allows to segment individual teeth and to model the structures of the skull including sinuses and cortical and trabecular bone. These data are then subjected to biomechanical simulations using Finite Element Analysis.

Works done by the platform AST-RX

Collection Inventory number Description Thumbnail Equipment
HA 23645-2 crane La Ferrassie 1 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 23645-3 mandibule La Ferrassie 1 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 24506-1 crane La Quina 5 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 24506-2 La Quina 5 : maxillaire v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 24506-2 La Quina 5 : mandibule v|tome|x L 240-180