Project title
Climate and diet related variation in the human cranium : CT-scanning Japanese, Northern Chinese, Mongolian and Philippine populations at the Musée de l'Homme
Description of the project
Tightly packed within the human facial complex, the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and masticatory components perform crucial functions of respiration, thermoregulation and food processing. Current project focuses on the influence of climate and diet on the shape of these facial components and how these components co-vary in shape with each other. At the Musée de l’Homme, CT-scans will be made from 65 modern human crania from four populations, differing in dietary and climatic regime. CT-scans will allow for the inclusion of external as well as internal measurements, revealing the otherwise hidden sinus and internal nasal cavity shape. This study brings together the state of the art techniques of 3D geometric morphometrics, computer based medical imaging and specific statistical tools to analyze the selective forces driving modern human geographic diversity. Results will enhance our understanding of the biological processes underlying the evolution of modern human variation, anatomy and adaptation.

Works done by the platform AST-RX

Collection Inventory number Description Thumbnail Equipment
HA 17570 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 17571 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 17572 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 17574 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 17575 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 8391 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 8395 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 8396 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 9370 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 9371 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 9756 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 9758 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 9759 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 9763 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 9764 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 9765 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 9766 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 9866 v|tome|x L 240-180
HA 9868 v|tome|x L 240-180