Titre du projet
skull of Ronzotherium heissigi
Descriptif du projet
sauvegarde du projet skull of Ronzotherium heissigi: Projet Synthesys "Accessing the inner-ear of historical fossil perissodactyl skull". Description : The Rhinocerotoidea (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) have appeared in North America or Asia during the Early Eocene and were at some point one of the predominant lineage of large herbivorous mammals, especially in Europe. Six families have been recognized, but their relationships are still poorly resolved. Although some European Rhinocerotidae have been revised during my PhD thesis, their relationships with other Rhinocerotoid families remain unresolved.

Travaux réalisés par la plateforme Surfaçus

Collection No Inventaire Descriptif Vignette Equipement
F LIM181 mandibule gauche, Ronzotherium hessigi (Rinocerotidae) - Holotype, Origine : France, Datation : Rupélien.
F LIM181 mandibule droite, Ronzotherium hessigi (Rinocerotidae) - Holotype, Origine : France, Datation : Rupélien.
F LIM181 crâne, Ronzotherium hessigi (Rinocerotidae) - Holotype, Origine : France, Datation : Rupélien.