/ MH-2D/3D
Mandatory field
File too big
At least one specimen must be indicated
Inventory numbers must not exceed 50 characters
Value for this field is too long (? characters maximum)
Application form for MH-2D/3D
Access request
Project title
External requester to the MNHN
Technical need
Total support by the plateau staff
Partial support
Without assistance to the researcher
Previous experience in imaging
Briefly describe your imaging knowledge
List of participants
It is imperative that the project leader (researcher, curatorial manager, doctoral student, master, external, etc.) is the one who carries out the data analysis work and the research work (or the museum exploitation) that results from it. (thus ensuring optimum demand for surface acquisition specificities).
Project leader
Last name
First name
Project collaborators
Information on Collaborators
Last name (s), first name (s), affiliation (s) of the collaborator (s) of the project.
Scientific project
Summary of the scientific project for this request (200 words maximum)
The summary may, for selected projects, be posted on the website of the platform and in the dissemination documents produced by the platform.
Contributions of the method (200 words maximum)
Details on the interests of surface analysis for your project? Which structures do you want to highlight (area of interest)? What types of post-processing analysis will be used?
Project framework (200 words maximum)
Explanations on the broader framework in which the project fits (Master, Thesis, funded research program (ANR, ERC, PICS, etc.), preventive conservation, exhibition, restoration, etc.).
Study material
Material and methods (500 words maximum, indicate the original collection of the specimens and, if applicable, the MNHN collection number)
Details of the material to be analyzed (number and size of specimens *, provide photographs *), if possible estimate of technical requirements (number of scans or any known acquisition parameters, refer to
). An exhaustive description of the study material is essential to the choice of the best parameters of surface analysis and to the estimation of the time of digitization and the cost of the service. For MNHN specimens, the inventory number is required.
Length (min/max/typical in mm)
Width (min/max/typical in mm)
Height (min/max/typical in mm)
Desired accuracy (in mm)
Color / texture is important
Curatorial authorization
Total number of specimens
Estimated duration (equipment reservation)
Specimens from MNHN collections
Collection code
AC (Arachnides : Acariens)
ALCP (Microalgues eucaryotes)
AR (Arachnides : Araneae)
CEU (Eucaryotes unicellulaires)
CH (Chimiothèque)
CO (Laboratoire Maritime de Concarneau)
CX (Extractothèque)
DIN (Laboratoire Maritime de Dinard)
E (Ethnologie)
EA (Aptérygotes & Collemboles)
EC (Insectes - Coléoptères)
ED (Insectes - Diptères)
EH (Insectes - Hémiptères)
EL (Insectes - Lépidoptères)
EO (Insectes - Orthoptéroïdes)
EP (Insectes - Petits ordres & Odonates)
EY (Insectes - Hyménoptères)
F (Paléontologie)
FABR (Herbier du harmas de J. H. Fabre)
GD (Roches endogènes)
GG (Géologie générale)
GS (Sédiments et roches océaniques)
GT (Météorites)
HA (Anthropologie)
HP (Préhistoire)
IA (Annélides, Polychètes et Sipunculides)
IB (Bryozoaires Brachiopodes)
IC (Ichtyologie)
IE (Échinodermes)
IK (Cnidaires)
IM (Mollusques)
IN (Nématodes)
IP (Porifères)
IR (Protistes)
IT (Tuniciers/ascidies)
IU (Crustacés)
JB (Jardins)
MIN (Minéraux)
MY (Myriapodes)
P (Plantes vasculaires)
PAT (Ethnobotanique)
PC (Cryptogames)
PMC (Cyanobactéries)
RA (Reptiles & Amphibiens)
RF (Souches Fongiques)
RS (Arachnides : Scorpionidae)
TCCV (Tissus et cellules de vertébrés)
ZA (Vertébrés - Autres)
ZM (Mammifères)
ZO (Oiseaux)
Catalog number inside the chosen collection
Check and add
The specimen is already selected
Inventory number is correct
The inventory number does not correspond to a computerized specimen
You will not be able to submit your project if the inventory number is wrong or does not exist (please contact the relevant curatorial manager if the number is not valid). Examples: HA then D-2, HA then D-1-bis
Specimens external to the MNHN
Full inventory number
The specimen is already selected
No checks are made for these inventory numbers
Administrative information
Curatorial manager
Detailed contact details of the curatorial manager or specimen manager (s) concerned
Last name
First name
Contact facturation
Detailed contact information of the person for the billing of the analysis.
Last name
First name
Billing address
Desired period for the surface analysis (and possibly unavailabilities).
Additional information
Attach a file
Please attach a single file (preferably in pdf format, maximum size 64 MB) containing photographs of the specimen(s) to be digitized in all relevant orientations; and possibly any other complementary information (previous experiences, methodologies used, problems related to the handling of the object, etc.).
Agreement and sending
Without acceptance of the conditions you can not send your request.
I have taken note of the information contained in the document "présentation et modalités de fonctionnement" of the MH-2D/3D platform of the MNHN. I undertake to respect all the operating rules of the platform and those of the MNHN Collections Directorate. And I especially know that my project will be public which will not remove the confidentiality attached to possible non-public specimens.